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ISSN 1642-4530   e-ISSN 2956-8137


Autor Agnieszka Iwan (Kielce) ()
Tytuł Taniec, teatr, pijaństwo i komedia – czyli o obyczajach staropolskich w Postylli siedemnastowiecznego kalwińskiego duchownego Krzysztofa Kraińskiego
Title Dance, theater, drunkenness and comedy ‒ about old Polish customs in Postils by the seventeenth-century Calvinist clergyman Krzysztof Kraiński
Keywords Krzysztof Kraiński, Postils, music, dance, theater performances
Strony 43–63
Pełny tekst / full text
Tom 20


Krzysztof Kraiński was a Calvinist minister and the superintendent of churches in Małopolska, a preacher in Lublin, Opole Lubelskie, Łaszczów, and a theological writer. His Postils is a collection of sermons to be delivered on Sundays and church holidays, arranged according to the liturgical calendar. Besides explanations of Biblical readings, such sermons provide more general commentaries related to the discussed portion of the Scriptures. The Postils, penned by Krzysztof Kraiński, represent the most developed works of that genre in the Reformed Church of early modern Polish-Lithuanian Common-wealth. This article analyzes the rich homilies of the leading Calvinist preacher. Krainski’s criticism in Postils is twofold. He attacks the pompous liturgy of the Catholic Church, but at the same time he tries to forge the morals of his readership.