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ISSN 1642-4530   e-ISSN 2956-8137


Autor Przemysław P. Szpaczyński (badacz niezależny) ORCID:0000-0001-6459-896X 
Tytuł Spór o relacje Marcina Lutra z ojcem i o to, kto doprowadził do rozłamu w Kościele
Title The dispute over the Martin Luther’s relationship with his father and over who led to the split in the Roman Catholic Church
DOI 10.25951/4239 
Słowa kluczowe Marcin Luter, Hans Luter (Luder), reformacja, Kościół rzymskokatolicki, protestantyzm, kontrreformacja.
Keywords Martin Luther, Hans Luther (Luder), Protestant Reformation, Roman Catholic Church.
Strony 369–400
Pełny tekst / full text
Tom 22


Tekst polemiczny dotyczy biografii Marcina Lutra autorstwa Lyndal Roper. Polemika odnosi się do relacji Marcina Lutra z ojcem i do tego, kto doprowadził do rozłamu w Kościele rzymskokatolickim.


The dispute over the Martin Luther’s relationship with his father and over who led to the split in the Roman Catholic Church. A gloss to the book of Lyndal Roper, Martin Luther. Prophet and renegate, Łódź 2017
The polemic article discusses a biography of Martin Luther by Lyndal Roper. The polemic focuses mainly on the Martin Luther’s relationship with his father and poses the question on who led to the split in the Roman Catholic Church in the light of theses and findings by Lyndal Roper.