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ISSN 1642-4530   e-ISSN 2956-8137


Autor Rafał Łatka (Warszawa) ()
Tytuł Wydział IV SB KW MO/WUSW w Krakowie (1962–1989) – w świetle aktualnego stanu badań
Title Department IV of the Ministry of the Interior of the Polish People’s Republic in Krakow (1962-1989) – in the light of the current state of research
Keywords Department IV, SB, Church, clergy, disintegration
Strony 261–296
Pełny tekst / full text
Tom 20


The main goal of the above analysis is a comprehensive presentation of the activities of the IV Department in Krakow from its inception in 1962, until the structures of the re-pression apparatus were dissolved in 1989. The way of functioning of this anti-church structure of the Krakow security system is discussed, along with subsequent reorganiza-tions which occurred from 1962-1989 several times. Attention is also paid to the priorities and tasks which, based on the guidelines from the authorities of the Polish United Work-ers’ Party (PZPR), were carried out by the Division IV of the Krakow secret police (SB) and their changes in the subsequent years of its activity. A comprehensive presentation of the functioning of the uniform anti-church structure of the Security Service in Krakow is all the more important as the Krakow Archdiocese played a key role in the Polish Church, which meant that the activity of the Department IV in this city was important to the cen-tral Polish authorities.