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The Journal published by the Department of History UJK


ISSN 1642-4530   e-ISSN 2956-8137



Copyright and Access

    • The Author grants to the journal the copyright license of the published article.
    • Submission of a manuscript for publication constitutes the author’s acceptance that the editorial board of Almanach Historyczny is free to publish the submission in digital form, including but not restricted to the journal’s online website, academic databases, reference services, and repositories.
    • The journal retains copyright of published articles. For personal or academic purposes, users may access, download, copy, and link to full texts of articles free of charge and without obtaining prior permission from the publisher or the author(s) on condition that the original link to the online edition is provided.
    • Self-archiving is also permitted, so that authors are allowed to deposit the published PDF version of their articles in academic and/or institutional repositories, without fee or embargo. Authors may also post their individual articles on their personal websites, again on condition that the original link to the online edition is provided.


    • Texts for publication are accepted only by means of the University Journals Platform (Uniwersytecka Platforma Czasopism) https://czasopisma.ujk.edu.pl/ after setting up a user account.
    • Texts should be prepared as a Word document (one file). Texts submitted for publication should be formatted according to the following style guide: A4 page size; one-sided print; pages numbered; the main text typed in Times New Roman, 12-point size; upper and lower margins 2 cm, right margin 4 cm, left margin 3 cm; 1.5 line spacing; approximately 30 lines per page and 60 characters per line; footnotes (font size and spacing as in the main text)
    • Generally, an article should not exceed 40,000 characters (including spaces). The editors might agree to accept longer texts, but they also reserve the right to ask the Author to shorten the text.
    • The article should be submitted together with an English title as well as keywords and an abstract, both in Polish and English (no longer than 1500 characters including spaces).
    • All footnotes and endnotes must be written consistently according to the following guidelines:
      - first name initial, surname;
      - titles of publications in italics;
      - names of periodicals in quotation marks;
      - no names of publishing houses;
      - names of translators provided;
      - one system of abbreviations used consistently: Polish or Latin.
      - If you refer again (or several times) to a work which was previously mentioned in the text, please do it in the following way: initial of the author’s first name, author’s surname, abbreviated title (no ellipsis) in italics, page number.
      - If you refer to works written in non-Latin scripts, please provide the reference information in the original version. It will be transliterated by the editors in order to preserve the consistent transliteration system.
      - If you use Internet resources, please provide the name of the author and text title (if any) as well as the website address and [date of access].
      - If illustrations are provided, the author is responsible for obtaining a permission to use them, so as not to breach any copyrights.
    • Each text should contain a bibliography.
    • The author is responsible for the relevance and reliability of all the data included in the publication. The editors do not verify any dates, proper names, quotations, bibliographical information etc.
    • Texts published on the platform must not contain personal information of Authors, or any other information that would make it possible to identify them (e.g. "This problem was already discussed in my text entitled..." and a footnote).
    • The journal is published according to the principles of Open Access, which means free, un-restrained, universal, permanent and quick access to its electronic publications. Every web user has the right to read, copy, print, distribute, index, cite, and search open resources, including full text articles, research reports, conference materials, academic lectures, and books published in the Open Access model.
    • The publications can be accessed without financial, legal and technical restrictions, while maintaining the author's copyrights.