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The Journal published by the Department of History UJK


ISSN 1642-4530   e-ISSN 2956-8137



Ethical rules for publishing and preventing misconduct in publications

The ethical principles were developed and based on the recommendations of COPE Committee on Publication Ethics included in Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

    • Publications submitted to "Almanach Historyczny" should correspond to the profile of the journal, be original, objective and prepared with due diligence.
    • The editors of "Almanach Historyczny" do not accept texts that have already been published, fully or partially (it also applies to translations from foreign languages). Any form of plagiarism is unacceptable, in particular the unreferenced use of others’ published and unpublished ideas, achievements, research concepts or research results. Cases of plagiarism will be disclosed by the editors and reported to competent authorities
    • In case of multi-author publications, the authors are required to specify their individual contribution to the text. In such a situation, there should be indicated each author's affiliation and the percentage of the intellectual and creative work on the research presented in the article. The person submitting the text is responsible for such a declaration.
    • The editors of "Almanach Historyczny" try to detect and expose all signs of scholarly misconduct. The following practices are particularly considered to be manifestations of scholarly misconduct: Ghostwriting and Guest Authorship. Ghostwriting refers to the cases when individuals who make significant contributions to writing a manuscript are not named as authors of a publication or their role is not mentioned in the acknowledgments section of the publication. As Guest Authorship, the editors treat all situations in which an individual's participation is not sufficient or did not even occur, and yet he or she is listed as the author or co-author of the publication.
    • All manifestations of scholarly misconduct discovered by the editors will be disclosed and communicated to the relevant entities, including the institutions that the person submitting the texts for publication is affiliated with.
    • The main intention of a review should be its objectivity, the reviewer should raise substantive and constructive arguments, expressed in a clear and understandable way. Personal criticism is unacceptable.
    • The reviewed works are confidential, they cannot be transferred or disclosed to third parties. It is also considered inappropriate to discuss them outside the Editorial Board and the Academic Council
    • Reviewers are obliged to resign from writing reviews in the event of a conflict of interest resulting from the relationship with the authors or the institution they represent.
    • The reviewer should inform the Editorial Office about all cases of suspected or verified research misconduct or violations of publication ethic.
    • The Editor-in-chief is responsible for the decision concerning the publication or rejection of submitted manuscripts. The decision is taken on the basis of the reviews, as well as the opinions of the Deputy editor-in-chief and the Academic Council. The Editor-in-chief rejects the submitted article in the event of plagiarism, self-plagiarism, infringement of copyright of third parties and doubts over the authorship or co-authorship of the article
    • The author's origin, nationality, ethnicity, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or political views have no bearing on the decision to accept or reject the submitted text.

Open Access Policy

    • The journal is made available on the basis of Open Access, which means free, unrestrained, universal, permanent and quick access to its electronic publications.

      Every web user has the right to read, copy, print, distribute, index, cite, and search open resources, including full text articles, research reports, conference materials, academic lectures, and books published in the Open Access model.

      The publications can be accessed without financial, legal and technical restrictions, while maintaining the author's copyrights.