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The Journal published by the Department of History UJK


ISSN 1642-4530   e-ISSN 2956-8137



Author Wioletta Szafarczyk (Kielce)
Title Visions of the funeral in testaments of the Małopolska and Wielkopolska nobility from the 16th to the 18th centuries
Keywords funeral of the nobility, testaments of the nobility, Polish nobility, Sarma-tism, culture of the nobility
Pages 31–41
Full text
Volume 20


Testaments of the nobility from the Old Polish period are an excellent source presenting various visions of the funeral. In the last wills, we find various information about the Chris-tian funeral ceremony, the type of coffin, funeral dress, number of candles, the place of burial and a contemptuous attitude towards one’s body after death.