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The Journal published by the Department of History UJK


ISSN 1642-4530   e-ISSN 2956-8137



Author Wojciech Zarosa (Kielce)
Title Tithe in the legislation of the provincial synods of the metropolis of Gniezno in the Middle Ages
Keywords tithe, provincial synods, the Archbishops of Gniezno, the synodal legisla-tion
Pages 11–29
Full text
Volume 20


Tithe in the legislation of the provincial synods of the metropolis of Gniezno in the Middle Ages The article focuses on the problem of the tithe in the light of the synodal statutes of the metropolis of Gniezno in the Middle Ages. The chronological range of the article covers the period from 1217 (the statute of Archbishop Kietlicz) to 1420 (Wieluń-Ka-lisz statutes of Archbishop Trąba). This article analyzes the legislation of provincial syn-ods that relate to the tithe issue. The most important problems regulated in this matter were: the problem of notorious replacement of the form of tithes, the rights of the parish (or patron) to that tribute, the legal basis of the tithe free (decima libera) and changes in the form of tithes under the influence reception on Polish territory of western-Europe-an patterns (e.g. German law).